About Us
In early 1996, Jim C. Lloyd and family took over a Personal Care Home to meet the needs of people with physical and mental health disabilities and challenging behaviours. The desire was to provide a normal family home to effectively serve people with disabilities regardless of their challenges. This led to the realization that individualized planning was paramount in serving the needs of these individuals.
JCL Care Homes started with one home that could serve 4 residents. We expanded our facilities so that we can serve 10 personal care residents and 5 special needs residents in two houses. We have cared for over 100 people with a variety of needs since then.
On May 31, 2012, JCL Care took on a very high needs individual with key support coming from Child and Family Services (CFS). This relationship worked so well that in 2014 JCL Care was given an opportunity to use our home to work with up to 5 youth with physical and mental health disabilities. We hope to expand our bases of service as need and opportunity arise.